
2023-08-08 04:00:2607:00 4.5萬

Life is hard.  

See it’s hard when you are 49 years old

been working on a job for 17 years 

and they come in and tell you 

you're finished and give you one week’s severance pay

and you got to start all over again.


It's hard when you are married and raising children 

and your children are crawling 

and your husband dies unexpectedly.

It's hard handling just the tragedies of life 

It's hard when you're working on something in 

and you put everything you have in it 

and it doesn’t work out

You lose your moneyand other people's money.


It's hard it was rough when I lost my job 

and I could not find a job.

It was humiliating and embarrassing 

borrowing money and then I couldn't pay the money back 

when I told them I would.

That's rough how people look at you

how they respond to you

It's very hard. It's humiliated.


Here's what I discovered

that happens to you in life

that you will go through things

and while you're going through them

you can't understand why it's happened to you

but after you go through it

and you get back and you look at it and you say oh

now I understand why I needed that lesson

Have you ever had it happened to you?

Raise your hand, and did it ever happen to you?

that I couldn't understand it there

but after I got through it then I saw that

that was prepared me for bigger and better things.


As you go through the challenges of life

and you look at it and embrace whatever comes to you

don't run from it,step toward it.

Don't try and duck it like most people do.

See most people want it easy

See if you easy come, easy what? easy go. 

See but when you go at what you're going to deal with

and you deal with the difficulties of it

when you handle those hot things close at hand

making those hard decisions right now

that you don't wanna make.

Learning those things that you don't like to do

but you know that in order for you to get where you wanna go

this is one of the hoops that you have to flip through.


And I'm saying to you whatever you gotta do, do it

because if you don't,life is gonna whoop you

until you surrender and say okay all right, all right, all right

I’ll cooperate. Okay I’ll learn. okay

They had wear me out a long time.

So I’ve been taught then do it hard.

Now, what do you how do you hang in there, during the hard difficult times.

You must have faith. You've got to believe in yourself.

You've got to believe in your abilities.

You've got to believe in your service, your company,your ideas, unquestionably.

You've got to have faith

and that faith gives you patience

that is not going to happen as quickly as you want it to happen.

A lot of things are gonna happen that will catch you off guard.

and so therefore you've got to deal with and handle it as it comes

And not only that

but that faith and patience drives you into action.

You've got to keep moving and keep plugging away


In the Far East

they have something that's called the Chinese bamboo tree.

The Chinese bamboo tree takes five years to grow.

They have to water and fertilize the ground where it is every day

and it doesn't break through the ground until the fifth year.

Okay? But once it breaks through the ground within five weeks it grows 90 feet tall.

Now the question is: Does it grow 90 feet tall in five weeks?or five years?

The answer is obvious. It grows 90 feet tall in five years.

Because at any time that person stopped

watering and nurturing and fertilizing that tree

that bamboo tree would have died in the ground.

And I can see people coming out talking to a guy

out there watering and fertilizing the ground

that's not showing anything.

“Hey, what you doing?

you've been out here a long time, man.

and the conversation in the neighborhood is

you grow on a Chinese bamboo tree, that right?

Yeah that's right

Well um even Ray Charles and Steve Wonder can see ain't nothing showing

在遙遠的東方,有一種東西叫做竹子。竹子需要五年的時間成長,需要每天澆水和施肥,但是要等到第五年,它才會破土而出。了解嗎?但是當它從泥土里長出來之后,在五周的時間里,它會長到90英尺高。問題是它用了多久長到90英尺高?是五周嗎?還是五年?答案是顯而易見的,它用了五年時間長到了90英尺高。因為在任何時候,只要種植者停止澆灌栽培,停止施肥,這竹子就沒機會從泥土里長出來。我可以相象那些人跟種植者之間的對話??粗刻煜蛑嗤翝菜┓?,卻什么也長不出來?!焙?,你在那干嘛呢?你已經在這里很久了,” 那些鄰居跟他的對話是:聽說你在種中國的竹子,是嗎?“是??!沒錯!”“嗯,連瞎子都看得出這里什么也沒有吧”

You know that's not people gonna do you

so how long you've been working on this?

how long have you been working on your dream?

and you have nothing to show.

This is all you've got to show?

People gonna do that to you.

And some people, ladies and gentlemen, they stop

because they don't see instant results

it doesn't happen quickly they stop

oh no no no you got to keep on watering your dream.

and when it begin to happen,they stop laughing they said

Look,whoa look here, it’s, lookup

Hey man, you know, I know you could do it

Look,you got a job here?


See during those hard times

we didn’t know how you're gonna make payroll

During those times, when you fail and things didn't work out

they were nowhere to be found.

You know what I discovered

when you’re working at your dream

somebody said: the harder the better,the sweeter the victory.

Oh, it's sweet to you. It's good to you. Why?

See when you when it's hard and there's a struggle

see what you become in a process is more important than the dream.

That's far more important

The kind of person you become

the character that you build

the courage that you develop

the faith that you're manifesting

oh it's something that you get up in the morning

you look yourself in the mirror

you’re a different kind of person

you walk with a different kind of spirit.

people know that you know what life is,

that you have embraced life.

You know it was hard, but you did it hard.




































