《夢幻時代》Dream Days


英文名:Dream Days

作者: Kenneth Grahame



<夢幻時代》是肯尼斯-格雷哈姆寫的一本兒童小說和童年回憶集。作為格雷哈姆1895年的作品集《黃金時代》的續集(其中一些選段的主角是同一個五口之家的孩子),《夢幻時代》于1898年首次出版,由約翰-萊恩印制。The Bodley Head. (書中的前六篇選文曾在當時的期刊上發表過--《黃皮書》、《新評論》和美國的《斯克里布納雜志》)。該書最著名的是收錄了格雷厄姆的經典故事《不情愿的龍》。

Dream Days is a collection of children’s fiction and reminiscences of childhood written by Kenneth Grahame. A sequel to Grahame’s 1895 collection The Golden Age (some of its selections feature the same family of five children), Dream Days was first published in 1898 under the imprint John Lane: The Bodley Head. (The first six selections in the book had been previously published in periodicals of the day—in the Yellow Book, the New Review, and in Scribner’s Magazine in the United States.) The book is best known for its inclusion of Grahame’s classic story The Reluctant Dragon.
